For  over  thirteen (13)  years, the following federal  judges and  justices*, with threats, coercion, intimi-dation, and harassment, forced my wife and I, a seventy-six (76) year old senior citizen, to remain the only defendants in Plaintiff  Richard W. Lewis, Ph.D.'s action for  redress under 42 U.S.C. §1983, with out a 'state action' remaining before  the  district court after  its order (#139)  dismissed Defendant State of       Nevada, with prejudice, July 12, 2001, based on the State's sovereign immunity. Eleventh Amendment immunity bars the suit against the State and the State did not waive its sovereign immunity as to Richard W. Lewis' (plaintiff) claim.  See our fourth appeal pending before the Ninth Circuit since September 17, 2013, in case no. 13-16181plaintiff's Answering Brief and our Reply Brief.                                                                                                                                                                                                                     These federal judges and justices* continue to act in the face of the district court's jurisdictional defect after the order (#139) and framed us with the fraudulent order (#320) and default judgment (#321) in the amount of $330,000.00, in favor of both the State Defendants and the plaintiff that perpetrated a fraud upon the court. Specifically given the fact, the only way both the State Defendants and the plaintiff could be the prevailing parties in this §1983 action - the case was  fixed, the hearings rigged and the outcome predetermined in favor of the State Defendants and Plaintiff against our constitutional rights, which is evi-dent, Plaintiff's §1983 action was made solely for the purpose of obtaining jurisdiction for EXTORTION of $330,000.00 from us. See the orders (#142 and #267). This outrageous bad behavior undermined the Constitution and the rule of law and violated  the public trust and confidence in the judicial system, which was addressed in our three (3) prior appeals before the Ninth Circuit, in case nos. 02-16612, 04-15326, 08-17314  and our judicial misconduct complaint, in case no. 03-89009.                                                                                                                                                                                                          The Court of the United States, in case nos. 06-329 and 10-1547, which  the Justices denied, forcing us back before the district court in the Plaintiff's §1983, without a 'state action' remaining before it after the order (#139), in violation of the statutory law enacted by Congress governing an action redress under  42 USC §1983, the Supreme Court’s case law, in Adickes v. S.H. Kress Co.98 U.S. 144 (1970) and the due process clause of the Fourteenth Amendment.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               It is affirmatively demonstrated above and in the orders #142#231#232#267#294#299#320#382, #383#424) and judgments (#233#321, #384, #425), the Federal Judges and Justices conspired with in-cluding but not limited to the other parties and their attorneys of record to fabricate Plaintiff's complaint and filed a false §1983 action against us, in retaliation for exposing their participation in RACKE-             TEERING, in an organized criminal conspiracy with Nevada Attorney Generals (Frankie Sue Del Papa, Brian Edward Sandoval, now Governor Sandoval, George Chanos, Catherine  Cortez Masto and current NAG Paul Laxalt), Deputy Attorney Generals (Stephen D. Quinn, Esq., Tina M. Leiss, Esq., Mark J. Krueger, Esq., Robert F. Boney, Esq. and Sarah A. Bradley, Esq.), the State Defendants, Plaintiff and his attorneys of record, the Law Firm of Mirch and Mirch, for the EXPLOITATION of hundreds of  innocent children housed in Foster Care Homes and Group Care Homes operated by the State of Nevada through a fraudulent contract negotiated and drawn up by the Nevada Attorney General’s office between the State of Nevada Division Child and Family Services and a fictitious company Western Counseling Services LLC, owned and operated by, including but not limited to, Plaintiff  Richard W. Lewis PhD., to defraud the State of Nevada out of millions of dollars annually, for personal gain. This corrupt misconduct is the most   treacherous, despicable and heinous acts of malfeasance ever committed by a federal judge in the United  States. See Plaintiff's Points and Authorities and Affidavit Regarding Damages (#302), our Motion (#369) with no response from the other parties nor the court, our certified letter to Nevada Attorney General Catherine Cortez Masto, dated January 8, 2008, with no response and NRS 641.318.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       The above was brought before the members of the House Judiciary Committee with no response when they were bound by the Constitution and rule of law to intervene and take affirmative action against these federal judges and justice*, whose bad behavior rendered the federal courts in which they preside "criminal enterprises", where justice can never be served before these courts that participate in the fixing  of cases for personal gain. Federal  judges shall only hold their offices during good Behavior.  Article III §1 of the United States Constitution .                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              To review  motions,  orders,  briefs, memorandum,  judgments, petitions for rehearing and other                 documents related to our three (3) prior appeals, two (2) petitions  for writ of certiorari and judicial             misconduct complaint, click on Federal Doc.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT JUDGES*                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        United States District Judge David W. Hagen                                                                                      United States District Judge Edward C. Reed, Jr.                                                                                United States Magistrate Judge Robert A. McQuaid, Jr.                                                                             United States District Judge Howard D. McKibben                                                                               United States District Judge Phillip Martin Pro                                                                                      United States District Judge Larry R. Hicks                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            NINTH CIRCUIT JUDGES*                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Chief Judge Mary M. Schroeder (2000-2007) --- 03-89009, 04-15326                                                  Circuit Judge Alex Kozinski (Chief Judge - 2007 to present) --- 03-89009                                                     Circuit Judge Betty B. Fletcher --- 03-89009                                                                                                 Circuit Judge William M. Fletcher --- 03-89009                                                                                            Circuit Judge A. Wallace Tashima --- 03-89009, 08-17314                                                                           Circuit Judge Sidney R. Thomas --- 03-89009, 04-15269                                                                              Circuit Judge Ferdinand F. Fernandez --- 02-16558/ 02-16612                                                                    Circuit Judge Susan P. Graber --- 02-16558/ 02-16612, 04-15269/ 04-15326                                             Circuit Judge Robert M. Gould --- 02-16558/ 02-16612                                                                               Circuit Judge Steven S. Trott --- 04-15326                                                                                                    Circuit Judge Robert R. Clifton --- 08-17314                                                                                                 Circuit Judge Edward Leavy --- 04-15269/ 04-15326                                                                                   Circuit Judge Marsha S. Berzon --- 04-15269/ 04-15326/ 08-17314                                                            Circuit Judge Thomas G. Nelson --- 04-15269/ 04-15326                                                                             Circuit Judge Michael Daly Hawkins --- 04-15269/ 04-15326                                                                      Senior District Judge John S. Rhoades --- 04-15326                                                                                     District Judge Marilyn Hall Patel --- 03-89009                                                                                             District Judge William B. Shubb --- 03-89009                                                                                              District Judge Robert J. Bryan --- 03-89009                                                                                                 District Judge David Alan Ezra --- 03-89009                                                                                                District Judge Jack D. Shanstrom --- 03-89009                                                                                            Circuit Court Mediator Roxanne Ashe  --- 04-15269                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Justices of the Supreme Court of United States   2006-2010*                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Chief Justice John Roberts   2005 – present                                                                                                 Justice John Paul Stevens   1975 – 2010  Retired 2010                                                                                Justice Anthony Kennedy   1985 – present                                                                                                    Justice Antonin Scalia   1986 – present                                                                                                        Justice David Souter   1990 – 2009  Retired 2009                                                                                         Justice Clarence Thomas   1991 – present                                                                                                    Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg   1993 – present                                                                                             Justice Stephen Breyer   1994 – present                                                                                                       Justice Samuel Alito   2006 – present                                                                                                           Justice Sonia Sotomayor   2009 – present